Analyse Model
Assemble and Analyse a GSA Model
Note: This is a dropdown component and input/output may vary depending on the selected dropdown
Input parameters
Generic List | Model(s) and Lists | Existing Model(s) to append to and Lists If you input more than one model they will be merged with first model in list taking priority for IDs | |
Generic List | Properties | Sections (PB), Prop2Ds (PA) and Prop3Ds (PV) to add/set in the model Properties already added to Elements or Members will automatically be added with Geometry input | |
Generic List | GSA Geometry | Nodes, Element1Ds, Element2Ds, Member1Ds, Member2Ds and Member3Ds to add/set in model | |
Generic List | Load | Loads to add to the model You can also use this input to add Edited GridPlaneSurfaces | |
Generic List | Analysis Tasks & Combinations | Analysis Tasks and Combination Cases to add to the model |
Output parameters
Model | Model | GSA Model parameter | |
Text List | Errors | Analysis Task Errors | |
Text List | Warnings | Analysis Task Warnings | |
Text List | Remarks | Analysis Task Notes and Remarks | |
Text List | Logs | Analysis Task logs |