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Beam Strain Energy Density

Beam Strain Energy Density


Element1D Strain Energy Density result values

Note: This is a dropdown component and input/output may vary depending on the selected dropdown

Input parameters

Icon Type Name Description
ResultParamResult ListResultResult
GenericParamGenericElement filter listFilter results by list (by default 'all')
Input a List or a text string taking the form:
1 11 to 20 step 2 P1 not (G1 to G6 step 3) P11 not (PA PB1 PS2 PM3 PA4 M1)
Refer to help file for definition of lists and full vocabulary.

Output parameters

Icon Type Name Description
UnitNumberUnit Number Energy Density TreeStrain energy density* Strain energy density. The strain energy density for a beam is a measure of how hard the beam is working. The average strain energy density is the average density along the element or member.

* DataTree organised as { CaseID ; Permutation ; ElementID } fx. {1;2;3} is Case 1, Permutation 2, Element 3, where each branch contains a list of results per element position.