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Create Effective Length Options

Create Effective Length Options


Create 1D Member Design Options for Effective Length, Restraints and Buckling Factors

Note: This is a dropdown component and input/output may vary depending on the selected dropdown

Input parameters

Icon Type Name Description
TextParamTextMember Restraint StartSet the Member's Start Restraint

Use either shortcut names ('Pinned', 'Fixed', 'Free', 'FullRotational', 'PartialRotational' or 'TopFlangeLateral') or the Restraint Description Syntax:

Parts of the description are separated by spaces or commas. The parts that can be restrained are: F1, F2: flanges with suffices: L: lateral W: full warping P: part warping T: torsion with suffices R: full restraint P: part restraint F: friction only MAJ, MIN major and minor axis bending and shear with suffices R: full rotational restraint P: part rotational restraint V: Translational restraint Examples: F1LP, TP, MAJRV: Lateral and partial warping restraint to flange 1 F12W: Flanges 1&2 full warping restraint... | |TextParam |Text |Member Restraint End |Set the Member's End Restraint. Use either shortcut names ('Pinned', 'Fixed', 'Free', 'FullRotational', 'PartialRotational' or 'TopFlangeLateral') or the Restraint Description Syntax:

Parts of the description are separated by spaces or commas. The parts that can be restrained are: F1, F2: flanges with suffices: L: lateral W: full warping P: part warping T: torsion with suffices R: full restraint P: part restraint F: friction only MAJ, MIN major and minor axis bending and shear with suffices R: full rotational restraint P: part rotational restraint V: Translational restraint Examples: F1LP, TP, MAJRV: Lateral and partial warping restraint to flange 1 F12W: Flanges 1&2 full warping restraint... | |NumberParam |Number |Destabilising Load Height |Destabilising Load Height in model units | |NumberParam |Number |Factor Lsy |Moment Amplification Factor, Strong Axis | |NumberParam |Number |Factor Lsz |Moment Amplification Factor, Weak Axis | |NumberParam |Number |Equivalent uniform moment factor for LTB |Override the automatically calculated factor to account for the shape of the moment diagram in lateral torsional buckling design equations. This override is applied for all bending segments in the member. This override is applied to the following variable for each design code:
AISC 360: C_b
AS 4100: alpha_m
BS 5950: m_LT
CSA S16: omega_2
EN 1993-1-1 and EN 1993-1-2: C_1
Hong Kong Code of Practice: m_LT
IS 800: C_mLT
SANS 10162-1: omega_2 |

Output parameters

Icon Type Name Description
EffectiveLengthOptionsParamEffective Length OptionsEffective Length OptionsGSA 1D Member Design Options for Effective Length, Restraints and Buckling Factors parameter