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Create Section Modifier

Create Section Modifier


Create a GSA Section Modifier

Note: This is a dropdown component and input/output may vary depending on the selected dropdown

Input parameters

Icon Type Name Description
GenericParamGenericArea Modifier[Optional] Modify the effective Area BY this decimal fraction value (Default = 1.0 -> 100%)
GenericParamGenericI11 Modifier[Optional] Modify the effective Iyy/Iuu BY this decimal fraction value (Default = 1.0 -> 100%)
GenericParamGenericI22 Modifier[Optional] Modify the effective Izz/Ivv BY this decimal fraction value (Default = 1.0 -> 100%)
GenericParamGenericJ Modifier[Optional] Modify the effective J BY this decimal fraction value (Default = 1.0 -> 100%)
GenericParamGenericK11 Modifier[Optional] Modify the effective Kyy/Kuu BY this decimal fraction value (Default = 1.0 -> 100%)
GenericParamGenericK22 Modifier[Optional] Modify the effective Kzz/Kvv BY this decimal fraction value (Default = 1.0 -> 100%)
GenericParamGenericVolume Modifier[Optional] Modify the effective Volume/Length BY this decimal fraction value (Default = 1.0 -> 100%)
UnitNumberUnit Number Linear DensityAdditional Mass[Optional] Additional mass per unit length (Default = 0 -> no additional mass)
BooleanParamBooleanPrincipal Bending Axis[Optional] Set to 'true' to use Principal (u,v) Axis for Bending. If false (and by default), Local (y,z) Axis will be used
BooleanParamBooleanReference Point Centroid[Optional] Set to 'true' to use the Centroid as Analysis Reference Point. If false (and by default), the specified point will be used

Output parameters

Icon Type Name Description
SectionModifierParamSection ModifierSection ModifierGSA Section Modifier parameter