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Create Steel Design Task

Create Steel Design Task


Create a GSA Steel Design Task

Note: This is a dropdown component and input/output may vary depending on the selected dropdown

Input parameters

Icon Type Name Description
TextParamTextNameTask Name
IntegerParamIntegerNumberSet Task Number. If ID is set it will replace any existing DesignTasks in the model
GenericParamGeneric ListDefinition[Default = 'All'] Definition as text or list of object (Materials, Sections, Members)
IntegerParamIntegerCombinationCaseCombination Case ID
NumberParamNumberTarget UtilisationTarget overall utilisation (upper)
NumberParamNumberLower limitLower utilisation limit (inefficiency warning)
BooleanParamBooleanGrouped DesignIf true, Members with the same pool are assigned the same section

Output parameters

Icon Type Name Description
DesignTaskParamDesign TaskDesign TaskGSA Design Task parameter