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Edit Bool6

Edit Bool6


Modify a GSA Bool6 or just get information about existing

Input parameters

Icon Type Name Description
Bool6ParamBool6Bool6Bool6 containing six booleans representing a release or restriant. to get or set information for. Leave blank to create a new Bool6
BooleanParamBooleanXRelease or restraint for translation in X-direction
BooleanParamBooleanYRelease or restraint for translation in Y-direction
BooleanParamBooleanZRelease or restraint for translation in Z-direction
BooleanParamBooleanXXRelease or restraint for rotation around X-axis
BooleanParamBooleanYYRelease or restraint for rotation around Y-axis
BooleanParamBooleanZZRelease or restraint for rotation around Z-axis

Output parameters

Icon Type Name Description
Bool6ParamBool6Bool6GSA Bool6 containing six booleans representing a release or restriant. with applied changes.
BooleanParamBooleanXRelease or restraint for translation in X-direction
BooleanParamBooleanYRelease or restraint for translation in Y-direction
BooleanParamBooleanZRelease or restraint for translation in Z-direction
BooleanParamBooleanXXRelease or restraint for rotation around X-axis
BooleanParamBooleanYYRelease or restraint for rotation around Y-axis
BooleanParamBooleanZZRelease or restraint for rotation around Z-axis