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Total Loads and Reactions

Total Loads and Reactions


Get Total Loads and Reaction Results from a GSA model

Note: This is a dropdown component and input/output may vary depending on the selected dropdown

Input parameters

Icon Type Name Description

Output parameters

Icon Type Name Description
UnitNumberUnit Number ForceForce XSum of all Force Loads in GSA Model in X-direction
UnitNumberUnit Number ForceForce YSum of all Force Loads in GSA Model in Y-direction
UnitNumberUnit Number ForceForce ZSum of all Force Loads in GSA Model in Z-direction
UnitNumberUnit Number ForceForce |XYZ|Sum of all Force Loads in GSA Model
UnitNumberUnit Number MomentMoment XXSum of all Moment Loads in GSA Model around X-axis
UnitNumberUnit Number MomentMoment YYSum of all Moment Loads in GSA Model around Y-axis
UnitNumberUnit Number MomentMoment ZZSum of all Moment Loads in GSA Model around Z-axis
UnitNumberUnit Number MomentMoment |XXYYZZ|Sum of all Moment Loads in GSA Model
UnitNumberUnit Number ForceTotal Reaction XSum of all Reaction Forces in GSA Model in X-direction
UnitNumberUnit Number ForceTotal Reaction YSum of all Reaction Forces in GSA Model in Y-direction
UnitNumberUnit Number ForceTotal Reaction ZSum of all Reaction Forces in GSA Model in Z-direction
UnitNumberUnit Number ForceTotal Reaction |XYZ|Sum of all Reaction Forces in GSA Model
UnitNumberUnit Number MomentTotal Reaction XXSum of all Reaction Moments in GSA Model around X-axis
UnitNumberUnit Number MomentTotal Reaction XX Sum of all Reaction Moments in GSA Model around Y-axis
UnitNumberUnit Number MomentTotal Reaction XX Sum of all Reaction Moments in GSA Model around Z-axis
UnitNumberUnit Number MomentTotal Reaction |XXYYZZ| Sum of all Reaction Moments in GSA Model