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Import from Oasys GSA

You are prompted to enter the name of the GWB file that is to be imported. Until a valid GWB file is found, other controls on the form will stay disabled.

Map Sections

Click ‘Map Sections’ to begin mapping GSA section properties to the corresponding Revit Family types. This may take a little long depending on the number of sections in the GSA model. During this, GsRevit tries to load the new family types into the Revit model. If prompted for overwriting a pre-loaded Family Type, please choose ‘Yes’.

GSA - Revit section mapping

This table displays the Revit Family types that will be used for the corresponding GSA sections. Please note that a given GSA section can either be a Revit Family for Structural columns or for Structural framing but not both. Sections referred to by both GSA columns and beams/braces will be ignored.

Note: If a GSA section maps to ‘N/A’ for a Revit Family type, it signifies that GsRevit has not been able to find a suitable match for the section among the Family Types loaded in the project. If a family type refers to N/A, elements referring to the corresponding section will not be imported.

The section mapping utility currently works only for catalogue steel sections. For standard sections and for concrete sections, load the appropriate Family Type into the model before starting the import process. See ‘Recommended Practice’ for more information on this.

Import from (GSA Layer)

You must select which GSA layer to import from.

  • Design Layer – GSA members are read and imported.
  • Analysis Layer – GSA elements are read and imported.


  • Use GSA grid planes – GsRevit will create levels at elevations corresponding to GSA’s grid planes.
  • Use existing levels – All elements created will be based on the existing levels in the model.


  • Vertical GSA 1D members/elements can be imported as Revit columns or braces.
  • Inclined GSA 1D members/element can be imported as Revit beams, braces or slanted columns.
  • Horizontal 1D members can be imported as Revit beams or braces.
  • GSA 2D Member can be imported as a wall or slab in Revit as per the section
  • Determine Revit element type from GSA member type. This is applicable when importing GSA from the design layer and it overrides the setting above, except where a horizontal GSA member is specified in GSA as a column member type; in this case the member will be imported as a Revit beam or brace according to the setting above.
  • Option to delete Revit entities where there is no matching of GSA entities.
  • Option to map Revit entities using GSA entity id shared parameter where there is no mapping by 'unique ID' : 'SID'


  • The filter allows selective import of entities