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Registering GsRevit

Revit needs to be told that the Revit / GSA link plug-in (GsRevit) is available, where it resides on disk and what options are provided, before Revit will offer the GsRevit options. If Revit is installed at the time GSA is installed then the GSA installation will automatically register GsRevit with Revit. Successful registration is indicated by the presence of the GSA options in the Revit Tools > External tools menu (and that they work!).

GsRevit can be registered interactively by running GsaRegister.exe, which may be found in the GSA program folder.

Possible reasons for failure in the registration process are:

  • Revit Structure is not installed in the default location. The automated install-time registration assumes that Revit is installed in its default location, <C:\Program Files\Autodesk Revit Structure x>. When running GsaRegister.exe interactively there is an opportunity to specify the location of Revit.
  • The version of Revit Structure that you have installed is not supported.

Refer to file GsRevit_ReadMe.pdf (installed in the Docs folder beneath the GSA program folder) for the latest information on GsRevit, including supported versions.