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Preferences : Graphics

This page handles preferences that relate to graphic views.


Scaling: Auto-scale margin

Scaling to fit produces a scale that will result in the image fitting within this margin within the picture area. The margin is expressed as a percentage of the picture dimension.

Scaling: Recalculate displayed data scales on change of case

When checked, an auto-scale is calculated for each diagram and contour specified whenever the Cases list is changed for a Graphic view.

Scaling: Recalculate extents of displayed data on change of case

When checked, the maximum and minimum values for each diagram and contour specified are calculated whenever the Cases list is changed for a Graphic view. This has impact on contours when default contour values are used or when contours are specified in terms of percentage of extents and on diagrams when diagram extents are expressed in terms of percentage of extents.

Mouse operation: Mouse sensitivity when dragging

The sensitivity of the mouse can be adjusted in terms of the affect that 1mm of mouse movement has on the operation in question. The operations that may be tuned in this way are:

  • Horizontal and vertical rotational increment: The number of degrees of rotation per mm of mouse movement in the Rotate cursor mode.
  • Zoom increment: The amount the scale is factored per mm of mouse movement in the Rotate cursor mode.
  • Eye distance increment: The amount the eye distance is factored per mm of mouse movement in the Rotate cursor mode.
  • Pan increment: The amount the image is panned in picture mm per mm of mouse movement in the Rotate cursor mode.

Mouse operation: Limit before ghost image drawn when dragging

When using the mouse in the Rotate cursor mode to rotate, zoom, pan or adjust the eye distance the image is drawn as a ghost image if the number of elements being drawn is larger than the number set here. Note that the number of elements being drawn is affected by the current Volume and entity list.

Keyboard operation: Rotational increment per arrow key stroke

When using the arrow keys to rotate the image rotate by this many degrees per arrow key stroke.

Keyboard operation: Zoom to engineering scale

When checked, the Graphics > Orientation > Zoom In (Ctrl+Up) and Graphics > Orientation > Zoom Out (Ctrl+Dn) menu commands change the scale up or down to the next engineering scale instead of factoring the scale by the zoom factor.

Keyboard operation: Zoom factor

When Zoom to engineering scale is not set, the Graphics > Orientation > Zoom in (Ctrl+Up) and Graphics > Orientation > Zoom out (Ctrl+Dn) menu commands factor the scale by this amount.

Shrink factor

When shrink elements is set reduce the size of drawn elements by this amount.

Regenerate graphics on standard view

When switching to a standard view (e.g. plan view), and when this option is checked, the view will refresh as well as change the orientation.