Output settings
All of the settings that specify the content of an Output view can be set either in the Output settings dialog box or in the dialog boxes accessible from this. The Output settings dialog box can be accessed by going to Output > Output Settings (Ctrl+W) or via the Wizard command on the Data Options toolbar.
When a new Output view is opened the default view settings are adopted.
Changes to view settings may be undone and redone using the View > Undo view (Ctrl+Alt+Z) and View > Redo view (Ctrl+Alt+Y) menu commands. These commands are also available on the Standard toolbar.
To apply view settings for the current view to another Output view click the View settings painter tool on the Standard toolbar, grab the current settings, then click in the other Output view. Click View settings painter again or press <Esc> to switch off the option without applying the grabbed settings.
View settings may be copied to the clipboard from within the Output settings dialog box. View settings on the clipboard may be pasted into the view (i.e. applied to the view) either using Edit > Paste (Ctrl+V) or from within the Output settings dialog box.
Note: Edit > Copy copies the actual content of the view (see Interacting with spreadsheets), not the view settings.
There are often other ways of editing the settings, as described below.
Model units are the default units in which data is output. These may be adjusted for individual output views from the Output settings dialog box, the Window > Settings > Units command, or by clicking on the Units button in the Data options toolbar.
Numeric output
By default the numeric format in which data is output is as set in user preferences. This may be adjusted for individual output views from the Output settings dialog box or by going to Window > Settings > Numeric format.
Output precision can be adjusted by going to Window > Settings > Increase precision / Decrease precision. These increase or decrease the number of significant figures or decimal places, depending on the current Numeric format setting.
Numeric format , **Increase precision**
and **Decrease precision**
buttons are also available on the Data options toolbar.
Output axes
The axes in which data is output are the default for the data being output. Typically these are global axes, though certain data, like 1D element forces and stresses, is in local axes. The output of most data can be transformed to specified axes for individual output views from the Output settings dialog box or by using the Window > Settings > Axes menu command. The Axes button is also available on the Data options toolbar.
Refer to the Output options for details of default axes and of which data can be transformed.