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19 docs tagged with "members"

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Case and Entity Lists

Where relevant, tables are output for those items identified in the case, node, element and member lists. Changing a list from the default to a specific selection refines the content of the table.

Convert Orientation Node to Angle

The Convert orientation node to angle command may be used to replace specified orientation nodes with orientation angles that result in unchanged orientations for a set of beam (etc.) elements or members.

Create 3D Members from Soil Zones

Raft models are typically set up to include soil zones and soil profiles. The alternative way to analyse the raft-soil interaction is to create a finite element model of the soil using 3D elements. This tool loops though the soil zones and soil profiles creating a 3D member for each stratum in the soil profile bounded by the soil zones. An isotropic elastic material is created for each member with an elastic modulus corresponding to the value at the mid-height of the stratum.

Create Elements from Members

If a model is defined in the Design layer then it is relatively straightforward to create an analysis model from this. For the selected members the Model > Coordination Tools > Create Elements from Members option or toolbar button allow the generation of appropriate 1D, 2D, 3D elements and rigid constraints.

Delete Elements from Members

Models are generated and edited in the Design layer. The Model > Coordination tools > Delete elements from members option or toolbar button both permit rapid removal of the elements associated with a member, to allow the member to be updated prior to regeneration of the analysis model.

Design Option

The Design task wizard allows you to automate section design and RC member reinforcement design.

Explode Blocks to Members

The blocks are an attribute of members but it can be useful to separate blocks from the parent member(s). This creates a member corresponding to each instance in the selected blocks.

Manage User Modules

These dialogs can be accessed from the Model > Manage User Modules menu command.


Members are the entities that are the building block for GSA models. Members can be 1D (linear), 2D (area), or 3D (solid) entities. Members are defined by topology, so are located with reference to nodes. Local axis orientations are defined using orientation angles and nodes. 1D members have end fixities defined by releases and release stiffnesses.

Members and Design

For design to work, it is necessary for Member definitions to be complete and consistent. The recommended approach for creating a GSA model is to define members first, and then to create elements from them. This approach is also more efficient when coordinating the GSA model with a BIM model. The Create elements from members tool (under Model > Coordination menu) generates elements from Members.


Where a member may have offsets these are defined here.

Move Entities / Copy Entities

This dialog box is presented in several guises depending on the context in which it is opened; it is used to move or copy nodes, elements or members.

Moving and Copying Entities Graphically

The sculpt move and copy commands operate similarly. Both can operate on nodes, elements or members. Both operate by shifting, rotating or reflecting the selected items. The amount of shift can be specified by a polyline.

On Elements and Members

The Elements / members page of the Labels and display methods dialog box is where various types of element related labels may be switched on for display in the current Graphic view.

Set Member Timeline

A timeline for members can be defined to determine the presence or absence of elements for the duration of the project

Synchronise Members and Elements

The process of design can leave members being assigned new sections, leading to incompatibility between the sections assigned to members and those assigned to the corresponding elements.