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4 docs tagged with "sculpt tool"

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Add Elements Sculpt Tool

The type of element created by this tool is as set in the Property Pane. Any element type can be created by this method. Click on nodes in the desired topological sequence for the new element. The new element is created when the number of nodes required for the element type have been selected. Ctrl+Click when selecting the last node for an element will cause that node also to be the first node of the next new element.

Add Nodes Sculpt Tool

Click at the position the new node is required. If an existing node is selected the option to create a new coincident node is offered. Otherwise if the construction grid is switched on a new node is created at the grid coordinates. The attributes of the new node are set to the Node data defaults in the Property Pane. The new node is displayed as an unattached node.

Drag Nodes Sculpt Tool

Dragging an existing node results in the node being moved to the new grid coordinates. Nodes are moved within a plane parallel to the construction grid. This is achieved by the program temporarily adjusting the grid elevation to the elevation of the node while it is being dragged.

Modify Entities Sculpt Tool

Click on an existing node, element, or member. The attributes of the selected entity are immediately changed to the data defaults. This may be useful for applying restraints to nodes. Another way of achieving the same is to use the Modify Elements sculpt command.