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Viewing model results

This section accompanies the the Helical staircase example models np<!---insert link to model here--->. Try these steps with your own model already analysed to learn more about view settings.

Most results can be viewed in either the Analysis or Design layers.

In the Analysis layer results are displayed on Finite elements, whereas in the Design layer results are displayed on top of Members. Some results, such as Steel design results, are only available for members and, therefore, only viewable from the Design layer.

You can also toggle between layers to find the visualisation option you prefer.


Contours show model details and results by drawing shapes on top of the geometry. This entry includes some of the most commonly used diagrams.

Deflected shape

To view the Deflected shape in Graphic view, click the Deflected shape icon icon and select the case to see its related results.

Design layer showing cases options menu

Use the following tools to adjust the magnification of the deflected shape.

Icon nameIcon imageAssociated action
Rescale dataRescale data iconRefreshes diagram according to the data so that the results are proportionate.
Double size of diagramsDouble size diagrams iconDoubles the magnification of diagrams from current scale.
Halve size of diagramsHalve size of diagrams iconReduces size of diagrams by half current scale.

Deflected shape in design layer

Show all loads diagram

From the Cases drop down menu, select all to view a diagram of all the loads as applied to an analysis case. Similarly, you can select other cases from the options.

From the Cases drop down menu, select All to view a diagram of all the loads as applied to an analysis case. Or use the All load diagram icon icon and select the relevant Case from the drop down menu to refine your view.

Analysis layer showing load magnitude of selected cases with show all loads icon highlighted.

Use the Annotate cursor mode by either clicking on the icon icon or keyboard shortcut A. Select the entity to see load magnitude.

Analysis layer showing load magnitude of selected cases.


To view a diagram of the base reactions for an analysis case, use the Reactions tool icon icon and select the case(s) from the drop down menu to display their reactions.

Use the Annotate cursor mode by either clicking on the icon icon or keyboard shortcut A. Select the entity to see the reaction magnitude.

Diagram of base reactions for analysis case with reactions tool icon highlighted.

Bending moment and shear force diagrams

Diagrams for bending moment, axial and shear forces can be viewed using the following tools.

Three icons: axial force, shear force, bending moment.

Use the Annotate cursor mode by clicking on the icon icon or with keyboard shortcut A. Select the entity to see the magnitude.

Diagram of bending moments with bending moments icon highlighted.


Contours show model details and results by colouring the geometry. This entry includes some of the most commonly used contours.

Steel design results

Steel design is done in the members level so its contours are only visible from the Design layer.

Ensure that you’re in the Design layer by checking the top right corner of the Graphic view. To change layers, right click the screen or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+D.

To display only the 1D members type pb1 to pb*. In this view, only the entities that are assigned to a 1D section property will be displayed.

Browse to the Properties pane and click on Contours to display all entities that can be contoured. Go to 1D Member results > Steel utilisation > Steel utilisation, Overall to see the the Overall utilisation.

From this menu other related contours such as Steel design effective lengths can also be viewed.

Use the Annotate cursor mode by clicking on the icon icon or with keyboard shortcut A. Select the entity to see the magnitude.

Go to Contour settings by clicking the icon icon to refine the view or to modify the scale and other visual aspects.

Annotated steel design results with contour settings highlighted.

Footfall analysis contours

Footfall results can only be contoured in the Analysis layer.

Ensure that you’re in the Design layer by checking the top right corner of the Graphic view. To change layers, right click the screen or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+D.

Select a footfall analysis case from the drop down menu.

Go to Contour settings icon icon and follow Nodal results on elements > Footfall induced vibration - Summary > Overall maximum response Factor. From this location the scale and other visual aspects of the contour can be modified in a single step.

Footfall results with contour settings highlighted.

Output views

Output views show model details and results in a tabular or text format. This entry includes the most commonly used Output views.

Dynamic analysis summary

In the Data explorer, go to Output > Global results > Dynamic summary for a summary in tabular format including the effective masses in global axes organised by cases.

Table output of dynamic summary.

Total loads and reactions

In the Data explorer, go to Output > Global results > Total loads & reactions.

The report is created in tabular format and is organised by cases. Select Cases and Nodes from the drop down menues to refine the report output.

Table output of total loads and reactions for all cases.

Steel design calculations

Detailed calculations for your Steel design results are available in the Output views option.

Select the relevant member in the Graphic view. Then proceed to the Data explorer to follow Output > 1D Member results > Steel design calcs (Brief). Further refine results by selecting Cases from the drop down menu.

Table output of steel design calculations.